Sunday, June 7, 2009


During our fishing trip to Thailand. We had this particular stir fried vegetable dish almost every day at the local 排挡. I could not recall the name of this dish. However I did recall that the dish have fresh spinach stir fried with sliver of roast pork and fresh whole chilies. I had the opportunity to steal a look at the lady cooking this dish as our table is next to her stove and “work station”. I get to learn how this simple and delicious dish can be served at home…

Well there isn’t really a recipe, I hope my narration on how to cook this wonderful dish will give you an idea how this dish is done.

As always, I did not follow the “recipe” to the letter. I substituted the spinach with fresh kai lan that came in “convenient pack” at $1.20 from our local super mart. I would remove the leafy part and cut the stem length wise into thin slices. You can substitute with any greens of the day of your preference.

You will need to pick up some roast pork of about 250 gms and have them sliced up. You may want to decide if the porky slab should be thin or laden with fat. I would prefer the fatty sort. A general tip on how to buy roast pork is that always buy from a reputable stall that sell their pork fast and did their roasting act daily. Do sample their roast pork to make sure that the roast pork do not have a “porky” smell. The fat should be whitish and firm. Lastly, the roast pork should not be “slimy” to touch.

You will need some fresh chilies though I would use the dried ones as they are more convenient to keep. Bear in mind that you will need to use more dried chilies in proportion to the fresh ones. I stick to a ratio of 1.25 dried produce : 1 fresh produce.

The rest of the ingredients are,

a few thin slices of ginger.

2 whole garlic.

3 tbsp oyster sauce

¼ cup chicken stock mixed with 1 tbsp fish sauce

White pepper


Heat some oil in the wok and sautéed the ginger slices, dried chillies and whole garlic till lightly brown.

Add the roast pork slices and fried for ½ minute.

Add the kai lan or green vegetables of your choice. Toss them around and add the oyster sauce. Fry them till you notice that the vegetable has changed to a different hue of green.

Add ¼ cup of chicken stock with fish sauce. Reduce the stock and very quickly remove the fried vegetable from the heat.

Serve the fried vegetable with 葱油 and a bit of white pepper.