Friday, June 5, 2009


The noun form of the Malay verb "agak-agak", which means to estimate.

I will use this term many times over like a broken record as food tasting is pretty subjective. There is really no right or wrong in food tasting as some may like it spicy, sweeter or even bitter. More so when it comes to seasoning. If you like it saltier, add more salt then. So do not split hair over it. However, I do follow this golden rule, “it’s always best to err on the side of putting less seasoning first”.

IMHO, a recipe is just a general guideline on how a dish will most likely taste. There are just too many variation (from the ingredients to the size of a teaspoon we use) that makes precise measurement difficult. An example will be, if the recipe calls for a “large” egg. How do we determine how large an egg should be? If we were to use a smaller egg, wouldn’t the seasoning called by the recipe a tab too much? Common sense and cooking goes hand in hand… Keep that precise measurement mentality for science class or when you need to build that rocket ship to Mars. Your cooking will taste better if you, “cho nan agak agak jiu ho”.

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